Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thirsty Thursday

Basically it goes like this:
Thirsty as defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary: "having an uncomfortable feeling because you need something to drink, feeling thirst, needing water, feeling a strong desire or need for something". 
Thirsty as defined by Urban Dictionary: "First and foremost this word describes someone who is trying to be "put on, be chosen," or simply garner lots of attention. If you don't know what those things mean, chances are you're using the word "thristy" incorrectly.
Examples of people who define "thirsty": 
1.That chick at the club trying desperately to get into the VIP section. 
2.The guy that hits on every last chick in a group of girlfriends. 
3.The girl or guy whose top goal is to impress other people (this could be dressing a certain way solely to obtain complements, frequenting certain establishments just to be seen there, etc.)

If you have friends who fit this description it is your duty to call them out. If you find yourself fitting into one of the aforementioned categories, do some soul searching, IMMEDIATELY! If you see someone you don't know or care about who fits these descriptions, just sit back and enjoy the live entertainment."
While we all like to see the cute aspect in being thirsty i.e. 


 this is not always what we get, especially not when applying the aforementioned definition so nicely brought to us by Urban Dictionary. The world today is not the same as the time that thirsting for something meant what Merriam Webster was trying to get across; instead, we are bombarded with girls and boys who annoyingly and constantly seek attention, whether it be sexual or regular attention. Here are just a few examples of how thirsty our generation has become. 
Prime example of thirsting for followers a.k.a SUPER FREAKING ANNOYING JUST STAHP

No you're ugly

Sliding into your DM's too hard

Thirst for retweets? I hope your mom does die

So ridiculous I just can't what is wrong with people 

Your water is dirty

Slow down bud yikes 

What's* up? The sky.

Lol that's awk

While scrolling through my twitter feed and reading these screenshots is highly entertaining, it's almost sickening to come to the realization that these so called "thirsty" people are completely serious and don't even understand how absolutely stupid they look! I'd like to hope one day these individuals desire for attention is finally quenched, but for now, stay thirsty

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WTF Wednesday

Basically it goes like this: some movies should never have EVER been created.

 Honestly, what goes through some writers minds when they decide to create a script with absolutely no plot? We can't just blame it on the writers. Oh no we can't! The producers and other crew are as much to blame. 
Let me give you some background. My friends and I have a knack for finding enjoyment out of watching the most horrible movies out there (check out Hansel and Gretel Get Baked if you'd like to begin this journey), so we decided to take and hour and a half out of our day to watch Spring Breakers. In 2013, Spring Breakers was released into the United States. Trust me when I tell you, what you expect when you hear a title such as this is NOT, I repeat, is NOT what you will end up viewing. Somehow the writer connected spring break with a person trying to find themselves???? Ummmm if you seriously have to go on a vacation to figure out who you are, you probably should seek help... To deepen the story line even more (if you could even say that there is one), three of the girls end up taking part in some highly questionable and very unrealistic activities, but I don't want to say much just in case you actually look forward to watching this film. In short, these girls take going nowhere in life to a whole new level, and while some of the things they do could happen it is seriously unlikely that these events would occur in a real-life scenario in the given amount of time they were in Florida. From a literary standpoint, I couldn't tell you where the climax of this work happens, which is not only annoying but shows lack of skill in writing. Honestly, I couldn't tell you of a single spot that was the height of tension, the point of no return because every single scene depicted a point of no return. If current television hasn't desensitized you to breasts yet, watch the movie. It will do you well. Message to the producers/write/anybody who cares: if you're going to put sex scenes in a movie, maybe make them a little more practical. I'd say the only highlight of Spring Breakers was that James Franco (OMG PLEASE MARRY ME) played a pretty important character. Visually, the lighting in the movie sucked and literally hurt my eyes. A scene of two girls' college apartment was filmed in green lighting like why? In addition, the camera was shaking sooooooo badly. I probably could have filmed it better, and that's saying a lot. On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the worst rating ever, this movie was about an 11. At least we found it comical because of its terribleness! By far, Spring Breakers was one of the best worst movies I've ever seen.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tirade Tuesday

Basically it goes like this: From the moment that we could give a legitimate answer people have asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Our answers have ranged from Broadway singer to humble teacher, fierce firefighter to rich CEO. When it comes to the time that our reply finally matters, we have absolutely no idea anymore. Suddenly, our thoughts do not revolve around the distant future but the presence. We cannot reach our potential if we do not have a path to follow. What is this path that most of us decide to pursue? One word, two syllables: college. 
Our world is truly sadistic. We are told that in order to receive the career of our choice, we need to participate in higher education. Go to college they said; it will reward you in the end, they said. Except they did not tell us how expensive it would be to further our education, to secure our future. S/O to all of us "young adults" who have to pay for college all by their lonesome selves. Funny thing is that most of us do not have a cent in our names. Where exactly are we supposed to pull out thousands of dollars to ensure a stable future- our anuses? Go to college they said; it will reward you in the end, they said, but first you have to sell your soul to the devil and drown in thousands of dollars of debt. But hey in the chance that you are successful and snag a satisfactory paying job fresh out of school, you could possibly pay off your debt in 20 years, give or take, but you can at least count on loan forgiveness after 20 years. WOOOOOH!
Do not get me wrong. Just because I do not necessarily agree with the cost of higher education, does not mean I do not want to go to college. I just think maybe it would be nice if we were all cut a break, a bigger break than what is offered now. I mean I guess if needed we could all move to Colorado and sell medicinal marijuana for some extra cash 

Monday, June 30, 2014

10 Things I wish I Could've Told My Freshman Self

Basically it goes like this:

1. Sleep above everything.

If there is anything in this world that will 100% always make you feel better, it's getting a good night's sleep. When it comes down to it, you will never make up that hour of sleep that you spent watching Netflix instead of hitting the hay. High school became a continual struggle between wanting to stay up late every night and knowing that I needed the extra sleep. Without some quality shut-eye, I'd say my mood was equivalent to that of a rabid mother bear whose cub was just stolen, and nobody enjoys having to be around an angry mama bear. 

2. Fitting in is too much work, so just be yourself.

I went into freshman year in the hopes of receiving the approval of everybody I met. In the name of popularity, I would mold myself into a new person, depending on who I was acquainting myself with at the time. It took much too long before I realized that the best person I could be was myself and not everybody would like who that person was, but all that really mattered was the acceptance of those I cared about most dearly. 

3. As much as everybody cares how good you look at school, no one really cares.

Every morning I would get up early to straighten my hair and fix up my appearance into the girl I thought would attract the most people. To be honest, all of the freshmen were caught up in looks. Guys looked for the hottest girls and vice versa, but once we all came to the conclusion that we were only human beings, imperfections and all, we finally understood that the people we wanted to surround ourselves with most were the ones who accepted us at our worst and the others were just background scenery. 

4. You'll probably be better off packing a lunch.

Pretty much school lunches suck. There's no other way to put it. I went to a high school where orange chicken was actually chicken nuggets the lunch ladies poured a sub-par slightly resembling orange sauce over and a hot dug bun laid flat with melted cheese sprinkled across the top was considered a main course. 

5. It doesn't really matter how much you "diet" before a dance. Everybody knows that as soon as it's over you will eat enough food for the entire continent of Africa.

Yes, apples and celery are empty calories. However, eating only these items with other fruits and veggies will NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT fill your stomach. Fruits and veggies are only a temporary filler. Cutting back on food is never rewarding, especially since afterwards you get so hungry that you eat everything in sight. 

6. Don't brush your hair. It's not worth it.

Seriously, pulling through the knots and making a quick braid will suffice. You want to brush your hair everyday? Go ahead! Keep pulling out your hair with the brush until you're bald. It's your choice: more sleep, a braid, and a happy mood or less sleep, straightened/curled hair, and a crabby mood. 

7. Granny panties are for GRANNIES.

In my day, freshmen girls did not come into high school owning a single thong. It took a couple times changing with upperclassmen before PE class to figure out that panty lines beneath our school pants (yes, we wore a uniform) were not as hot as previously assumed. Nowadays, girls in eighth grade are already shopping in Pink, holding their mother's credit card, purchasing those scandalous (for their age) undergarments. Granny panties= middle school. Thongs= high school   

8. Don't be afraid of change.

Change is inevitable and needed. A life with absolutely no variance is not worth living. Freshman year, you meet so many new people, and everything changes. You find that the person you were best friends with in middle school is not who you thought he/she was, and what's even more scary, you discover that you aren't the person you thought you were either. In spite, of the frightening differences, change develops you into the person you are meant to become. 

9. You're not as smart as you think you are.

If you're a freshmen, do not ever come in with the mindset that you are better than anybody else, especially the upperclassmen, who know the ropes. Honestly, there is no bigger turnoff than arrogance and ignorance. YOU DON'T KNOW DIDDLY SQUAT. TRUST ME. I thought I understood the whole world, inside and out, but I was wrong, so very wrong. 

10. Hold on to your true best friends with everything you've got. 

I wouldn't be telling the truth if I said every friend you will find will be your best friend. There are many different types of friends and several levels of friendship, but when a good one comes around, stick to that like glue. Every single day of your life will be 257529384728374 times better if you have your best friend(s) by your side. 


Basically it goes like this: excitement builds up to the point of no return, you initiate the action, and then it's over. You stop and take a step back and ponder, "Where do I go from here?" Minutes pass while you stare at the blinking line where the words should reside, but the words do not come easily. In fact, the search for these words forces you to delve into places you may not want to enter. Honestly, it feels like you are trespassing in on your own innermost thoughts. Yet, writing them, seeing your opinions, beliefs, and desires on the ever-expansive, white screen is a relief. Finally, you come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what people think when they read your blog; it only matters what you conceive to be important, and the words flow like a steady river. Therefore, my fellow bloggers and readers, let us all agree to disagree and live blissfully.